Cold Sore : Lips Injuries

19 Oct

Lips InjuriesAlso known as cold sores are very annoying injuries that come on the lips and around the mouth area as well as being very sensitive, lacks oil glands, so it dries out and “break” very easily.

They usually appear in groups surrounded by a red ring and last between one and three weeks since I first filled with fluid, then covered with a scab, dry out and disappear.

Often emerge more frequently during the cold season, due to changes in temperature, although there are people who may have throughout the year. In some people, usually occur after an episode of high fever, sun exposure, emotional stress, physical stress or low immune system defenses.

Many women suffer during menstrual periods or premenstrual phase.

These undesirable lesions, which also affect the self esteem of people, but appear to be innocuous, can trigger a host of problems as easily spread in the population because there is a lack of treatment and because there are many “remedies” homemade all they do is aggravate the infection.

Are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 and on rare occasions the virus that causes herpes type 2 usually causes genital herpes also.

It is estimated that in Mexico, 70% of the population carries the virus, which lies dormant in the body, and about 18 million people tend to develop, manifested in the outbreak of fires. This virus never disappears from the body, so that fires can occur spontaneously and repeatedly in people who carry it.

Many times the onset of the fires is asymptomatic, ie does not produce discomfort or symptoms, but they appear lasts seven to 10 days, time that elapses between vesicles manifest, evolve and heal.

Cold sores are highly contagious and recurrent. Can be transmitted to other body parts, like nose, with only scratching or touching the lesion, so you should avoid contact with others sores by kissing and wash hands thoroughly after handling or applying the medicine.

Symptoms of cold sores are:
Itching and irritation of the lips.
Burning, which gives its name to the injury.
Increased sensitivity and sometimes tingly.
Red blisters around the lips and sometimes on the gums.

For home treatment is most effective that acyclovir is an antiviral and should be applied at least five times a day for five or six days at least and it is very important to comply fully and avoid using “home remedies” such as pasta teeth, baking soda, and other facial makeup, which may worsen rather than alleviate the box.

To ease any discomfort you can take an analgesic, recalling that in the case of children under 18 years, aspirin is recommended to prevent the development of syndrome Reye. Applying ice or cold milk-soaked cotton, help much to relieve the pain.

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