Five enemies of the face skin (II)

20 Oct

In our previous delivery have begun to evaluate the five enemy is our skin. We all want to look beautiful, with or without makeup, but this is only possible in a healthy skin protected from the attack of certain factors that are often unknown. So we made this special series, in an attempt to throw some light on a subject as delicate as the care of our faces.

See as the second point to consider:

Enemy No. 2: The sun’s rays

This enemy is one who can cause further damage to our skin, so the insistence of all dermatologists about the use of sunscreens, and not only when we go to the beach but daily. Especially in women who by their daily activities are more likely than others to sunlight.

In addition to sunscreens moisturizers should be used to help us maintain hydration our skin needs and the sun will inevitably be taken away. An excellent result from the use of these creams is to make the spots and wrinkles so unpleasant that this tends to cause not appear prematurely.

All this damage on our skin over the years becomes inevitable but we can prevent with a little care and proper attention.

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