How to prevent Rosacea?

27 Oct


Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause skin causing redness of the face (cheekbones, cheeks and nose), heat, telangiectasia (spider veins) and papules (bumps). The eyes may commit irritation, dryness, edema (swelling), styes or damage to the cornea.
Treatment is individualized, depend on skin type and degree of involvement, and can receive local antibiotics by mouth, topical treatments, laser or indication of an antihistamine.


1. Every morning make a smooth and refreshing wash your face.
2. Apply soaps granules with no fingers.
3. Rinse your face with warm water and dry gently with a thin cotton towel.
4. Avoid using rough sponges and towels.
5. Let your skin air a few minutes before applying the treatment.
6. Avoid make-up pink or orange, the scented and those containing alcohol, menthol, eucalyptus oil or hazelnut.
7. You can place yourself or cotton cloth soaked in chamomile tea for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times per day.
8. It is preferable to use men’s electric shaver.
9. Protect yourself from the sun, always use sunscreen SPF 15 or higher, use hats and avoid being in the sun at noon during the summer months.
10. On days with high temperatures and humidity, about being in rooms with air conditioning.
11. In winter, cover your nose and your cheeks with a scarf.
If the cold worsens your rosacea avoid being outdoors on days with this climate and use a suitable cream to prevent dryness of the skin.
12. Try to avoid stressful situations and fight them with deep breathing techniques, relaxation or visualization.
13. Make physical activity, take light clothes, taking cold liquids and spray your face with cold water spray. We recommend the low-intensity exercise. So do it in sets of 15 minutes spread over the day.


Check with your dermatologist about the best treatment for you and how to care.

Avoid triggers such as stress, sun, spicy (white pepper, black or pink, paprika and cayenne), food (cheese, cream, yogurt, citrus juices, chocolate, soy sauce, vanilla, vinegar, spinach, liver) or drink hot (especially those containing caffeine), wind, alcohol, vigorous exercise and hot tubs.

Keep a journal in which to write the days of rosacea have more symptoms and try to identify the factors that will affect you.

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