The care of our skin deserves all our attention and concern, as there are many factors that can produce skin diseases. Some of these factors are related to the environment, since both in terms of pollution such as climate change, they make always more parched again depending on the environment and atmosphere in which we live.
That is why we use different mechanisms in the care of our skin. In this sense, the benefits of lemon for skin justify the application of the fruit, and then tell why. We mention that one of the most common uses in relation to skin care is able to mix the lemon juice with aloe vera for a kind of pasta or natural cream that will help cleanse the skin.
Other benefits of lemon for skin is that it can be used as a deodorant, which although it is entirely possible to be amazing according to the properties of lemon. To do this simply has to mix all the juice of a lemon to get water or soap, and so it can be used to cool both armpits and feet, and eliminate the odor that these body parts may be issued.
Other benefits of lemon for the skin may include the properties of lime to reduce the condition of varicose veins. But despite the benefits that have been mentioned, it is also clear that the lemon is irritating to the skin if used pure reason is always advisable to mix with water and other ingredients. Despite these mixtures, the skin may be a bit more sensitive than before if there is sunlight is too strong, why should not make these applications on the skin if you plan to be a considerably long time in the sun .