Anti-acne 5 tips

22 Nov

In a previous article we talked about a homemade recipe against black spots, now we’ll see 5 basic tips to combat all types of grain that may arise in your face, whether the typical acne blemishes such as pimples or blackheads.

Let’s see those things because you have to do and not:

1 – You should never handle a pimple, rub or squeeze the grease will only increase and hurt your skin, which can cause an infection that then leave marks or scars on your face.

2 – Mostly hygiene: wash your face at least twice a day with a mild soap or specially prescribed for acne.

3 – Check what you eat: one of the origins of acne are very fatty or spicy foods, as well as for certain fish with high levels of iodine.

4 – Water, the best remedy: drink all you can, but sets a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day, this will purify your body beyond belief.

5 – Less Makeup: too much makeup clogs pores and unsightly blackheads. Avoid makeup very often.

We hope these tips and try to get the best results.

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