Bad Habits That Undermine Your Beauty

22 Nov

This site from the beginning I have said what to do to be prettier, now do something very different: I will list a series of things that you should never do for your beauty.

Bad habits and customs are often attitudes we carry from our childhood, well, most of them threaten our aesthetic and even to our health. Therefore you should leave them as soon as possible, no matter how harmless they seem, just in case you discover that bring negative consequences.

Here are some of them:

- High heels: if you abuse the use of high heels eventually hurt your spine, leave and other models used a little lower.

- Cross your legs: it may seem silly if this is a habit that you have fully taken the way you sit, eventually cause you ugly consequences such as varicose veins, cellulite and orange peel.

- Wear tight, but you look sexier this way the priority is your health and beauty, not always insist on using this style because it affects the circulation and skin, causing among other things: cellulite, stretch marks and irritation.

- Sleeping with makeup, never! This will age your skin.

- Nail biting: ugly your hands and causes the appearance of unsightly stains.

You see all these things that rarely take into account. Well, now you know, is not it a good idea to gradually abandoning them?


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