Stress is reflected in the skin

21 Nov

Stress Stress is the body’s natural response to situations that threaten it that affects the emotional and physical. It is a way to keep alert to the body. Although stress has a positive role in humans, which is to create a state of attention and prompt response to adversity, to experience a sustained and intense can affect our physical and emotional. It is therefore necessary to learn to channel it and make the best party. To a situation of prolonged stress, the body’s response is through tiredness, fatigue or sickly.

The skin reacts to the state showing no color, with signs of fatigue and premature aging. Our skin is experiencing stress in two ways: from within the body due to disease, poor nutrition, stress caused by work or family, and outside, due to environmental pollution, noise or working long periods near closed.

We can suffer stress without realizing it, as it is manifested in many ways, such as lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping, muscle stiffness, loss of sexual appetite or mood swings. But symptoms vary according to skin type. Stress manifests itself mainly in the peeling, stinging and itching of the skin, for this type of problem is advisable to apply soothing cream for sensitive skin. When the skin is “off” and with a tone that gives a sickly appearance, may be due to contamination or lack of hydration. We must implement restorative creams day and night.

How does it affect your skin?

According to the journal of aesthetics,  the 10 largest effects of stress on your skin are: acne, eczema, psoriasis, itching, hair loss, excessive sweating, rosacea, dandruff, herpes and oral urticaria. Besides stress contributes to the skin to lose its brightness and look lifeless. Stress also causes other skin conditions affecting the lack of sleep, over-eating, smoking, drinking, and others. Stress causes hormonal imbalances.

Most conflicts and life changes, such as suffering from a skin condition, mean stress and the chance of getting at psyche (mind) and body (soma), which today are accepted as interconnected.

Skin and nervous system have a common origin in the embryo that is the ectoderm and that “leave together” is forever imprinted on biological memory. The skin, the true means of expression, is both the largest of our organs, with its own unique structure and functions, with a rich vascularization and innervation, staying in it the sense of touch. The epidermal barrier homeostasis allows the internal milieu contacted directly with the outside world and its name “relational package” of man, damming as a constituent part of the self. Leriche defined health as “the silence of the organs, skin clarifying concept, where the visibility of the disease show the denial of that silence. Daily events and psychological reactions, triggers could be considered only processes for which there are a certain bias.

What to do?

Initially you have to control the rash with topical medications or creams. But we must eliminate the cause or causes of the problem: stress. Stress can not be eliminated but can be controlled. Some stress is normal and positive, how damaging is to go through life stressed.

There are many studies showing that exercise helps manage stress. Especially recommended are stress management exercises such as yoga and martial arts.

Massage, aromatherapy baths, acupuncture, herbal tea, meditation and the like help reduce stress.

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