Household Tips For Removing Scars

26 Apr

Whether the product of some accident of any surgical intervention many of us have seen as a scar on our skin gets transformed into a scar, especially if not properly cared for.

When we have an open wound is elemental to keep away from sunlight, making proper cleaning and try not to wet it until it begins to close, so keep us leave a scar, however, if it is too late to take precautions and our intention is to remove any marks we got to try the following recipes:

Sugar and honey: Mix granulated sugar and honey to make a thick paste, with her gently exfoliate the area of the scar in a circular motion and rinse with warm water. Repeat three times a week.

Milk, lemon and aloe: This recipe must be done at night before bed. Mix lemon juice with two tablespoons of milk, we used on the scar and let dry, then apply a second coat of aloe, covered with gauze and the next morning retired with moisturizer. Repeat twice a week.

Cream: Boil a pint of milk, let cool and removed the layer of cream, reserve in refrigerator until solidified, we remove from the refrigerator and apply on the scar leaving acting for twenty minutes. Repeat at least twice a week.

It is elementary that we consider being consistent and being patient, herein lies the victory when performing these treatments, the results will not be felt for overnight but after a few weeks.

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