The brown sugar scrub is an agent for excellence, so today we indicate com or exfoliate and become divine this holiday of the year.
1 cup raw brown sugar if you can use common finest sugar better.
1 cup oil. We recommend light olive, but canola oil or coconut work well or you have at hand. The thicker oil is harder to remove so it is best to use oils with low viscosity.
A tablespoon of one of the following: grape juice or cranberry, aloe vera, lemon juice (avoid if your skin is dry or sensitive), scrape the skin of lemon, vitamin C or vitamin E.
Optional: Two drops of essential oil of your choice, we recommend grapefruit, pink or lavender.
Bathe as usual.
Apply the mixture at the end of the body either by hand or using a mop or sponge. Put emphasis on rough areas like elbows, heels and so on.
Removes oil with water. If you agree do not use oil soap to soften your skin. If you do not like feeling used soap.