Now that most of the world population is aware of the dangers involved in excessive exposure to the sun, we must pay attention to detail sometimes overlooked and that relate to the sun is detrimental to our skin.
Location, profession, sports, etc.
For example, if you live more than 700 meters high risk of melanoma increases as radiation dose increases. In professions with long sun exposure such as gardening, work on the street, etc.., Sun protection is especially important because the risk of skin cancer increases. The same applies to outdoor sports like tennis, horse riding, skiing or biking.
When to use protective
Not only must we protect ourselves on the beach. It is convenient to use a daily moisturizer with protection and always carry in your handbag. Even on cloudy days, in which are not present, but a high percentage of solar radiation reaching the skin.
In summer it may seem that the breeze keeps our skin is affected by sunlight, as being fresher do not have the feeling that the sun is burning. Nothing wrong, so that even in that situation does not stop using sunscreen.
You should also beware of the reflections. The surfaces that reflect sunlight (sand, water, snow or pavement) increases the risk of sunburn and require a higher protection factor.
Remember that the time between each application of cream depends on how much we are exposed to the sun. For example, in summer at the beach, we do it every two hours and after swimming, in the days that we meet our usual routine (school, work, etc.). We always do before leaving home.
Sunburns are especially dangerous in children, so that the children should be well protected from the sun. Children under two years should avoid sun exposure and using sunscreens, since today there are no studies to ensure the effectiveness of filters at these ages.
Texture of the sunscreen
The choice of a good sunscreen protection factor depends you need and texture. In areas of dry skin Apply the cream ideas is always, in the fat or sweaty skin, sunscreen gel, and large areas (arm, torso, etc.). it is best to a vaporizer.