The lemon on your skin

19 Sep

As a sour fruit, lemon is a great astringent and is best to apply only in oily skin. Many of the benefits that the lemon for our beauty are:

Exfoliation: helps eliminate dead cells. Just mix lemon juice and granulated sugar scrub to exfoliate the area, the face, hands, legs…

Astringent: controls the sebum that causes dry skin and pimples.

Bleach: maintaining white teeth if rubbed with a lemon twist every day.
And, stimulates circulation.

As has its good, has its bad things. Lemon is a very strong so if you’re going to use as an exfoliant and as an astringent, is best done once a week and always diluted with water or other ingredients. Do not use before going to the sun as the skin becomes more vulnerable to its effects. Best applied at night.

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