Sunlight is vital for life on our planet. All living things benefit from their kindness. In the case of humans, revitalizes and energizes in certain doses, but can also hurt when these doses increase, so we must find a balance. Read the rest of this entry »
Archive for November, 2011
Vitamin D and sunlight
Does the work affect your skin?
The atmosphere in the workplace can also affect your skin , especially if it is a source of dryness, lack of sunlight and stress. The suggestions below will give you not only help maintain healthy skin, but your overall health and wellbeing at work. Read the rest of this entry »
Improves the look of your oily skin
Oily skin probably served in the past for various purposes such as to counteract the effect of strong winds or intense sun, but today is a real hassle. To enhance the appearance of oily skin should be checked and tolerate other factors that can not change. Read the rest of this entry »
Aging habits
The passage of time can not be stopped, but slow … or expedited. There are a few ordinary habits which, believe it or not, you add many more years than you have. For example, did not sleep well accelerate aging? Or that drinking sherbet often favors the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth? Read the rest of this entry »
Depression and aging
Many relate to depression aging. As published in MayoClinic in the United States, older people are more likely to commit suicide than any other age group. In fact, the highest rate of suicides is men aged 85 and older.
However, there is not necessarily a relationship between depression and aging, and so it is important to be alert to any symptoms that appear to us, at any age. And the sooner the better. Read the rest of this entry »
Smoking accelerates aging
Do not spend more money on moisturizers, or follow wasting time with natural facial masks for skin care because if you smoke, your efforts to prevent aging lose meaning. Read the rest of this entry »
Junk food accelerates aging
We all know the consequences of excessive consumption of fast food. We know it is a risk factor for obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. If it seemed to us recently, the news is that it has discovered a more negative effect to add to the list of dangers associated with junk food: premature aging. Read the rest of this entry »
I did not know about aging
Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.
Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging. Read the rest of this entry »