Apple Mask for smooth skin

26 Jan

Mask for smooth skinAs many of our natural recipes, this Apple Mask for skin soft and moisturized, is a snap and almost miraculous.

A great trick for cold weather of autumn / winter, where low temperatures can dry our skin.

Mask Ingredients for Apple:

  • 1 / 2 apple with skin (any kind but cool)
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Optional: Add 1 egg yolk (organic egg and poultry, which is more orange yolk and healthy) for more moisture. In addition to reducing and preventing outbreaks of acne, due to vitamin A this has, helping to balance the production of both dry skin cloudiness as fat.

Preparation and Use:

  • Crush the apple (in processor or mortar), complete with skin, but without stems or seeds.
  • In a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of honey and optionally, the yolk.
  • Apply and leave on for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Finally, sprinkle some cold water over the area and apply (with gentle massage) some favorite moisturizer or a few drops of extra virgin oil.


The apples are very soft, with slight exfoliating effects on our skin, because they have mild acid. When applied, improve circulation and nourish the skin. And honey, well … What more can we say about it! Outside of being antibacterial, a powerful moisturizer and very soft to the touch.

However, if you have sensitive skin or very sunburned, it is best to test a small amount of mixture on the neck or cheek, before starting treatment.

Otherwise … can not stop trying!

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