Wake up beautiful

02 Jan

beautifulGet a new day looking splendid and in good spirits, full of energy and ready to enjoy a wonderful time.

You know that when we do not sleep betrays the face looking dull, with dark circles and inflammation. There are several ways to have good mornings and have to do with how you sleep and your activities before bedtime.

Your nighttime routine

1 – Clean your face before bedtime. Apply your eye cream and moisturizer at night. These moisturizers are ingredients that work best at night as retinol. Read beauty routines

2 – Thoroughly clean your teeth and gums and flossing to protect the pearls of your smile, your health and good breath.

3 – If you have cracked skin on elbows, feet or wear a cream or petroleum jelly to soften. If you prefer to use cream in the whole body.

4 – If your eyes are irritated or feel dry use eye drops.

5 – Try to eat a light meal and avoid alcohol and excessive sugar.

6 – If you have an important engagement to attend a party where you want to look stunning prevents salt the day before to avoid retained fluids (under the eyes and the abdomen).

Bella sleeping

1 – Use satin pillowcases on your pillows and sleep on your back to prevent lines and wrinkles. Glazing also helps control the frizz in your hair or sponge.

2 – Avoid looking like Medusa chaining get up hair in a loose tail if your hair tends to tangle.

3 – If you try to use a heated humidifier to prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated.

4 – Practice positive thoughts before going to bed and get up.

5 – Avoid stress by getting up a little earlier than usual.

6 – Sleep the time you need, there is no reason for your beauty, your weight and health suffer from not sleeping the recommended hours.

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