The beach is beautiful and seductive breeze. But the sun’s rays are harsh on your skin and is easy to burn or heat stroke. You can prevent and treat burn the skin after the burn.
Preventing burn
- Avoid strong sunlight
- Avoid lie on the beach at the times heavier.
Use sunscreen
Even if you want to use the protective tan most of the time. If you’re on the beach whenever you tan a bit even with protector.
Take plenty of water
This will prevent heatstroke. Heat stroke is dehydration and can be dangerous. Avoid caffeinated beverages while on the beach and drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage extra.
Put fresh
If you feel like you’re burning takes a cold bath to soothe the skin. To be careful not to dry your skin pelarte, the skin is irritated if you can stay wet and dry waiting for one and wear clothes made from cotton or other material which the press.
Use a cream for burns
Once these dry using a body cream to soothe burned skin. They come with aloe, oatmeal, calendula, calamine and others. Avoid creams normal because they have very fragrant and alcohols.
Trying burned skin
If still you burned with your care, you can:
Follow the above advice: get fresh, drink water, and use a special cream.
Cold water cloths
To control the heat you can put cloths soaked in cold water or cold green tea
Do not use soap
Avoid any product with soap and fragrance or alcohol in the burned areas.
Do not scratch
This is very important; avoid scratching while you chop a lot because you can cause permanent scarring. You can take one tablet of acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve the sensation.
Do not take off skins
If you have peeling skin resists the temptation to find you skin only irritate them more and heal more slowly. If the skins are grades clean cut them with scissors.
Use sunscreen
While your skin is more sun keeps recovering and use sunscreen and clothing that will cover the affected areas.
Burn on the beach is not good idea. Each ray of sunshine slowly leaves an imprint on your skin to be noticed over time in the form of wrinkles, blemishes and other skin damage.