Acne is a skin condition as a result of excess oil produced by skin glands. This results in inflammation, infection and sometimes scarring.
Acne is very common, but not everyone has what is called clinical acne. Almost everyone at some point in their lives have some characteristics of acne like pimples and blackheads and pimples.
What Causes Acne?
The causes of acne are many. The reasons why some people get acne and others are unknown. Some of the most common factors are:
Hormonal imbalance. This acts producing high amounts of natural oils. Hereditary factors contribute to hormonal imbalance.
Some medications that contain hormones can cause acne. The best known are some birth control pills and steroids. This commonly occurs in people prone to acne.
Some cosmetics can also cause acne in some people. Cosmetics containing mineral oils should be avoided if you are prone to acne. Many cosmetics are labeled “non-comedonal” These cosmetics should be preferred by people with oily skin. The cosmetics do not cause serious acne outbreaks only infrequent.
Traditionally it was believed that certain foods cause acne but this has not been proven.
Stress also affects the appearance of acne. This is because that affects the production of glandular secretions.
During menstruation the gland secretions are increased by what has sometimes aggravated acne during the period.
Treatments for acne
As the causes of acne are many treatments are also varied. Here are some of the most used:
The slight acne is usually treated with topical agents. Among the substances used are creams and products with benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
Severe acne is treated with topical substances and ingested. Usually in these cases requires a combination of antibiotics or contraceptive creams eaten and above to keep the hair clean.
In extreme cases when all treatments have failed using a drug called “Accutane “(Roaccutane) The Accutane is a form of vitamin A very powerful. Helps reduce oil glands and therefore oil production stops. The Accutane has severe side effects and is used only when you have tried all other available treatments. Read more about the Accutane.
The medicines sold in pharmacies and stores that do not require a prescription aid in cases of mild acne.
The cosmetics also help keep the skin clean and avoid infections.
In cases of severe or persistent acne is best to consult a dermatologist to try and cure it at home or beauty treatments. The earlier it is easier acne is better. Acne can cause scarring if not treated in its early stages.
It is not advisable to squeeze pimples at home especially if there is pus. This causes the infection to spread within the skin and there is greater risk of scarring.
Today there are so many acne treatments that are no longer a shock to many girls.