When we think of acne, we tend to imagine a face with pimples and marks. However, it frequently occurs in other parts of the body regardless of the face and neck. The body areas that have more predisposition are the face, chest and back, shoulders, upper arms and sometimes on the buttocks and thighs. Read the rest of this entry »
Archive for February, 2012
Acne and pimples on buttocks and thighs: Causes, consequences and treatments
The juvenile and adolescent acne
suffered from acne Acne and the onset of puberty have always gone hand in hand. As our children are entering adolescence, the appearance of blemishes and pimples on the face and especially in the chest and back sometimes makes both parents and teens see themselves immersed in a problem that usually transient and without too much importance, but that over time can cause problems to some important points in the young who suffer these anomalies in his body. This is the case of loss of self and complex addition to the pain and discomfort they cause. Read the rest of this entry »
Recovering from the holidays
When we returned from our vacation or weekend getaways, before resuming our daily activities we detoxify our body a little to get strong again and put a point of unrest which has been described in general terms. Read the rest of this entry »