Face masks to lighten skin with fruit

30 Mar

Face masksIn Makeufits know how much you are concerned about skin care and so on several occasions we’ve already given several tips on how to treat it. So in the past and learned to prepare some homemade masks for acne, which naturally helped you get rid of this trouble in the skin or, for example, moisturizing masks, that egg and honey helped you end up with dry skin.

But there is more to learn and that is why today we present some facial masks to lighten skin with fruit you can get easily make at home.

Bananas and honey to the skin

This is one of the natural forms, easiest and most effective skin lightening, but using plantains (or bananas) and honey not only going to become more clear your skin but also help make your skin itself remove impurities found there.

To prepare a face mask banana and honey just need to do the following:

  • Place a quarter of banana and a tablespoon pure honey in a bowl properly sanitized.
  • Spoon crushed bananas and stirs the mixture to form a thin paste.
  • Let stand about 5 minutes and is ready to use.
  • As can be seen, this is a fast and simple. To apply this mask is simply placed a little in the face and spreads his fingers in every way. About 15 minutes after washing your face with cold water and let dry.
  • Be very careful that the mixture does not come into your eyes, as it can cause irritation. Using this mask twice a week you may notice the changes after the third or fourth week.

Lemons and eggs: clear your skin again

Face masks based on lemon juice and egg white is another of the most popular and effective skin lightening.

To prepare a face mask of lemons and eggs have to do the following:

  • Squeeze a whole lemon.
  • Remove the white of 3 eggs.
  • In a bowl mix properly sanitized 3 tablespoons lemon juice and 3 egg whites, stirring gently with a spoon for one minute.
  • Now with the mixture heated in the kitchen with a very low flame and carefully. When you have a thicker consistency, take it off the fire.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator and let it sit there for about 30 minutes.
  • To apply the mask does the same thing as the previous one. Note that this mixture contains lime and when it gets in your eyes will cause a severe burning. After apply, let it stand for half an hour.
  • Wash your face and discard the mixture on. We recommend using this mask every day for best results.

They are natural and easy, so they are a good option to try to clear your skin, do not you think? Did you know any of them? What skin lightening mask you use.

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