All of us, especially readers Skinerrors, we have made clear that smoking harms health. If you know that smoking causes lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, impotence, loss of fertility and a long list of damage does not reach you to leave the bad habit, here we have more negative effects of smoking to get it raise again.
Smoking damages your health and body care to reflect it. Thus, the cigarette is a great enemy of beauty and youth. Want to know how and why? Read on!
Bags under the eyes. The face of a smoker is like a tired and haggard face. If you smoke, you are more likely to develop the hideous bags under the eyes.
Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin disease that can occur in smokers and nonsmokers. However, those addicted to cigarettes have more chances to increase their risks, as their skin becomes dry and flaky. One box per day for 10 years or so raises the risk by 20%.
Yellow teeth. Now when a person smiles we realize whether you smoke, as nicotine stains your teeth and leaves a yellowish appearance. If you want a white and radiant smile have to quit. Also the teeth lose their strength and can break easily.
Premature wrinkles. It is proven that smoking accelerates aging, reducing blood supply and oxygenation of the skin. This accelerates the appearance of wrinkles.
Yellowed skin. Carbon monoxide and nicotine smoke reduces the oxygen that reaches the skin, leaving it dry and faded, even in our face. By taking cigarettes with his hands, nicotine also causes its effects on them. The fingers and nails of a smoker are stained yellow.
Weak hair. Smoke toxicants damage the DNA in hair follicles and thus weaken the hair. Smokers are more likely to lose their hair and get gray prematurely.
Loss of healing. Nicotine causes narrowing of blood vessels. This hinders the blood supply and oxygen to the skin and therefore, it becomes more difficult to heal wounds. Therefore, also makes it harder to heal from surgery and interventions.
Warts. Smokers have more chances of getting a virus that causes warts throughout the body, including the genital areas. While these are transmitted sexually smokers are at greater risk of developing them.
Skin cancer. Addition to lung cancer, throat, esophagus and mouth, smoking promotes skin cancer.
Promotes stretch marks. Attention, women smokers! Smoking damages the skin tissue and this facilitates the emergence of the hated stretch marks.