Beauty Care: how to get a good color knees?

12 Apr

Beauty TipsThe warm weather arrives; soon we will save socks in the drawer until the next season and now is when we must begin to remember those who were sheltered areas during the winter. And in doing so, perhaps you’ve encountered this problem: the color of your knees is darker than the rest of your skin. It is not uncommon, because due to the accumulation of dead cells and increased thickness of the cornea in this area, sometimes the knees show a darker color and gray.

How to avoid it? Again, the exfoliation is your best ally. You have to exfoliate frequently and with some insistence, and also can not ignore the hydration; it becomes essential step to improve its appearance.

Home trick. Once or twice a week, you can spend half a lemon in the area, which helps to clarify. This trick can also tell you the effective elbows, another area that may also have this problem.

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