Not all parts of the body have the cold in the same manner. The skin has its areas more susceptible and prone to damage at low temperatures. We teach you to protect your skin in the winter.
Dry Lips: To treat chapped lips spread honey or recommended shea butter in this way your mouth will recover their health and beautiful appearance.
Chilblains: The cold causes frostbite, if not leave cracks is recommended to apply a cream or aloe vera gel, arnica. To make the pain go away is very useful to use warm poultices of onions previously boiled or moist compresses infusion of elder flowers.
Eczema: Apply evening primrose oil or aloe vera gel is recommended to get the itch. Another way is to apply with gauze soaked in chamomile tea in the affected area and end up with the itching which is often very upsetting for the sufferer.
Chapped hands, every night put your hands in warm water and lay made him some massage with a little olive oil. When you go to bed should be covered with woolen gloves, so the heat is absorbed helps giving better hydration treatment for your hands damaged by cold.
Pay close attention to winter, it is the enemy of the dry skin and weakens at a time which will need strong. Never leave to care!