Care for Oily Skin

13 Jun

If your face is too fat, twinkle, you open pores, blackheads, pimples and acne is certainly poses an oily skin that is why you should follow some simple tips to keep your skin in good condition.

Firstly, it is essential that you seek a product for cleaning and one for tone.

Then it is necessary that you apply a moisturizer. Ojo! You have an oily skin does not mean your skin is properly hydrated is why you should apply a special moisturizer for oily skin.

Chooses to exfoliate your face every third day, thus preventing clogged pores and keep the normal flow of sebum.

You can also use mud masks, mud and clay and help you control the fat deposits.

Remember that in our body reflects our eating habits, eat balance and avoid excessive consumption of fat.

If despite following these tips do not achieve control of acne I recommend you go to your dermatologist.

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