Beauty Tips: How to remove pimples

22 Sep

The pimples and acne in general are very annoying especially at the age of puberty when they are most out of what many young people opt for the option to remove them disappear before thinking. We speak now of how you have to take away a point.

Before we begin, I would advise anyone who wants to remove a grain that bothers you that you must not touch or attempt to remove it, but sometimes even unconsciously or scratches, or pressured to get rid of it.

The first thing you should do to take away the grain in question is to see which zone is located and what type it is because such grains are emerging inward, i.e. that has no “head” and it is therefore better than do not touch much we hurt.

How to remove a pimple grows:

* By clicking on any type of grain, causing it to break the sebaceous follicle, which is full of microorganisms, and will also appear more grains and even scarring and marks.

* It is best then thoroughly cleans the skin of the face or the area where we have the grain and you will see that in a couple or three days and be healed. Cleaning the newly rise before go to bed.

* Wash your face or skin is as easy as it with soap and water (if special acne treatment, the better) making small circles and rinsing with water. After cleaning the area should be dry well.

* Then we can apply some dermatological cream if you’ve visited a dermatologist and been prescribed to us.

* A scrub will also allow you to keep your skin clean. Although it is recommend that, you apply what you once a week.

With these tips I give you can end up slowly with the grain that you are appearing. Also you can look much your diet, avoiding all fats, as well as always be massaged or smoking.

Other means “home” to end the grains:

* I recommend a mask based on oats, milk and a little sugar and you put it in the face for about 2 minutes. Gradually it will dry your skin and disappearing.

* It is said that the water also serves to eliminate grains. Some people apply it over the grain to deal with a cotton ball and there who take a spoonful before breakfast. In both cases, an option that works, although it seems a miracle.

Here are some remedies to eliminate a pimple but I still think the best option is always referred to a specialist that will give you proper treatment.

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