Fruit masks for skin care

03 Oct

Today I present a series of recommendations on the use of fruit masks for protecting our skin.

As is known, each type of skin needs a certain fruit, but following a few tips you can see how easy it is to prepare, low cost and above all things, the little time that takes preparation.

There are different types of fruits, their qualities, are used for certain types of skin, such as the apple that has the quality of being astringent and exfoliating or banana, a fruit very rich in natural oils and has very good action softener.

1 – The apple is deflated special eyes, just by placing a slice of this fruit on the eyes for 5 minutes to see the results. Apple is also very useful to apply on oily skin, thinly sliced and applied to the face.

2 – To achieve a glowing skin have skin that is hydrated, you crush a banana and then apply on the neck and face. The banana is also used to remove stains and clean the skin. The first thing you should do is crushed and then mixed with oatmeal powder, add a little water and stir until creamy. Then apply on face with circular motions from the inside out.

3 – For oily skin, kiwi gives very good results. After grinding and let stand for 30 minutes is added a little vodka or liquor are transparent and apply on face for 15 minutes.

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