Recovering from the holidays

01 Feb

 Natural Skin CareWhen we returned from our vacation or weekend getaways, before resuming our daily activities we detoxify our body a little to get strong again and put a point of unrest which has been described in general terms.

When we left home and spent a few days of leisure and relaxation, generally tend to accumulate a large amount of toxins and free radicals caused by power changes to which we have had to adapt to our destination. So, once back home, we include in our food a serving of fruit, plus do not forget to do some exercise to make us sweat a little at least, as in the case of aerobic exercise. Is also a good idea to add some energy drink commercial, because their formulas are helping our bodies to recover and make us feel better.

When there is an increase of segregation of fat in our body, the pores are blocked, thereby producing white or black spots that may become infected. Acne can be caused by different causes, which can range from genetic to hormonal disorders, not forgetting the importance of the factor also acquire food and lifestyle to relocate. Faced with problems of acne, it is best to go to a dermatologist and get your opinion, since it is he who can best guide you on products that are particularly suitable to prevent or treat this condition.

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