How to control acne?

21 Oct

acneThe difference between a pimple a month and a face full of them day after day has nothing to do with greasy food intake or with the soap you use.

What is acne?

Acne is an inflammatory condition and follicle pore and it is during adolescence that is triggered by hormonal stimulation. Although it usually disappears in adulthood, sometimes the person continues to shoot and if you keep pinching very noticeable scars.

Most of the time the pore is filled with fat and this process is usually accompanied by bacterial contamination of the environment and when it can be quite painful.

Hence, there are different types of acne: the inflammatory, with significant growth of the injuries which have little seborrhea and skin lumps, and generates acute severe pain.

Therefore, according to the type of acne, treatment will take. The most used is the topical (creams, gels and soaps), but we also use oral medications. However, actions as simple as hygiene measures are essential to reduce the presence of this inflammation and improve your facial appearance.

However, actions as simple as hygiene measures are essential to reduce the presence of this inflammation and improve your facial appearance.

It should be noted that simply wash twice a day – not rub – the affected area. If the figure exceeds it makes the risk of triggering fat.

If you already have acne scarring treatment options exist: very light exfoliation, use retinoids that create a better quality collagen, abrasions, chemical and even surgical techniques for grafting floats.

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