Actually, cystic acne collides with nearly all lifestyles it contacts, but consider that doctors often prescribe such acne-blasting but terribly unsafe and expensive medications like Accutane to minimise the amount of effort and pain surrounding cystic acne afflictions. These treatments, while effective, can lead to side effects like long-term stomach lining erosion, birth defects, and ulcerative colitis, and suicidal tendencies. Understandably, many cystic acne sufferers have turned to natural treatments for cystic acne so that they can avoid the damaging effects of products like Accutane.
Archive for the ‘Beauty Care’ Category
Makeup tips in youth
The transition to adolescence has its issues in many aspects of the life of a woman, but when it comes to makeup, the question often arises about the style and what kind of makeup is best for you. Read the rest of this entry »
Enhance your beauty
In spring-summer season, the top is to keep a natural look, fresh and cheerful. In makeup, nothing likes the neutral colors, pinks, oranges and subtle tan. Read the rest of this entry »
Basic care for fair skin
There are skin envied by all women throughout the world, perhaps the case is the skin of celebrities such as Claudia Schiffer, Anne Hathaway and Nicole Kidman. Read the rest of this entry »
Micellar water for skin care
There are several products for skin care and cleaning of it, but none do so as the micellar water naturally, cleans the skin without causing any allergic reaction, as they do other cosmetic products. Read the rest of this entry »
Get ready for summer: What to know about laser hair removal
We make clear what is there in some beliefs and misconceptions about this method. One of the aesthetic issues of greatest concern facing the good weather and that with it comes time to wear the short clothes and what better to do without having to worry about the hair. Well, to get it, laser hair removal is one of the most desirable because of its capabilities and its high effectiveness. However, if you propose get treatment to stop the hair, there are certain things you should know. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty Care: how to get a good color knees?
The warm weather arrives; soon we will save socks in the drawer until the next season and now is when we must begin to remember those who were sheltered areas during the winter. And in doing so, perhaps you’ve encountered this problem: the color of your knees is darker than the rest of your skin. It is not uncommon, because due to the accumulation of dead cells and increased thickness of the cornea in this area, sometimes the knees show a darker color and gray. Read the rest of this entry »
As the winter affects our hands
Weather conditions cause degeneration, the texture of the skin. The best defense is to isolate it from the outside by clothes, but in the hands is not always possible. These are one of the more body parts that we must protect if we keep our hands nice and soft, to achieve this we need to use adequate protective creams and nutrition, not to mention nails. Read the rest of this entry »
The cigarette, a great enemy of beauty
All of us, especially readers Skinerrors, we have made clear that smoking harms health. If you know that smoking causes lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, impotence, loss of fertility and a long list of damage does not reach you to leave the bad habit, here we have more negative effects of smoking to get it raise again. Read the rest of this entry »
Nutrition for Beautiful Skin: Part 1
What you eat shows in your skin. Some dermatologists for years debated the effect of food or diet on the skin.
But this is changing and now in USA the most famous cosmetic dermatologists have specialized in specific recommendations for a healthy and beautiful skin. Read the rest of this entry »