Our precious skin has many enemies. These attackers constantly attack causing wrinkles, lines, spots and others. Meet some of their more powerful enemies and protect your skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Archive for the ‘Beauty Care’ Category
Enemies of your skin
Ecological beauty: green without compromise
To most people like natural beauty products. Besides being natural products should avoid environmental pollution and this is very easy.
No need to pay more to avoid environmental contamination with small change can contribute. Our beauty routine should not be the exception, there are ways to avoid waste and to this the rising costs and environmental damage. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty to kill
Women have always made sacrifices for beauty but some treatments are so damaging that can cause major health problems.
Among the most controversial treatments and products of the moment are: Read the rest of this entry »
Beautiful legs and firm
Tips for decent legs to stop traffic. Take care of your legs to remain sexy, strong and firm.
In the standards of beauty are seen long legs, firm and flawless skin. Of course this one has perfect legs but we can all take advantage of what we have. Read the rest of this entry »
Other myths in beauty and diet
There are a lot of myths about beauty, about to lose weight or look better, here we discuss some of them to not get confused. Read the rest of this entry »
Soaps and cleaners
We use to clean our skin cleansers or soaps. Do you know what is best for your skin? Both can be:
There are several types of products to clean the skin, which is best for us depends on the condition of the skin. But according to new studies do not need to use abrasive cleaners. Read the rest of this entry »
Carmindy beauty tips
Carmindy makeup is the beauty of the TV show “What Not to Wear.” In his new book, Carmindy shares beauty tips you have used during his career. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty treatments in your home
The experience of going to the salon to be pamper and make it pretty special but can be a bit expensive. There are ways to lower the cost of beauty. Read the rest of this entry »
Mom Beauty Tips
Here are some beauty tips we receive from our friends in the Club very pretty on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Read the rest of this entry »
Your skin and your zodiac sign
According to those who believe in the zodiac or horoscope it has influence on everything and even the skin and its care.
According to those who believe in horoscopes our personality and some strengths and weaknesses of each sign can affect our beauty and skin care. Read the rest of this entry »