Dry skin is a common situation to find, apart from affecting the appearance of the skin, causes discomfort and can lead to great irritation. It can get worse with daily activities, such as using soap and detergent, can lead to serious injuries to the skin, hands, arms, legs, face, etc.. Therefore, in here we tell how to combat dry skin, so you can hydrate your skin and stop suffer from dryness. Read the rest of this entry »
Archive for the ‘Skin Care’ Category
How to combat dry skin?
Acne in adults: what is this?
Acne is associated with adolescence, where many hormonal changes occur. Many adults think that when we no longer have acne, but often there is great disappointment, as we spent 20, 25 and still with this annoying condition. In here we tell you why that is adult acne, so you know how to handle and look better. Read the rest of this entry »
More vegetables, less acne
Besides being a basic nutritional component of any diet that calls them healthy diet, vegetables are delicious foods properties. By having a high nutritional value, vegetables become a key resource for good food, and if you want to detoxify your stomach and make sure you give your body what it needs, better go for these carrots. Read the rest of this entry »
Psoriasis linked to heart disease and cancer
A common and treatable disease such as psoriasis can lead to serious health problems; this is what a new study presented at the United States. According to new research, people with psoriasis are more prone to heart attacks. Read the rest of this entry »
Cold sores: how to try not to appear
Those who suffer from oral herpes we are a community apart, and for some illogical reason, we rejoice when we meet someone who also suffers from this annoying virus. Perhaps it is because it is quite irritating to have to answer again and again to the question “What happened to your lip?” Whenever we get a cold, and it is good to find someone who knows what it is and we can vent our herpetic pain. Read the rest of this entry »
The skin care in children
Children are too young yet to suffer acne. Of course, they’ll also have decades of wrinkles. However, we should stop paying attention to skin care to the smallest of the house.
The children’s skin is very soft and sensitive so they must protect themselves from the sun’s rays, a duty that all parents should teach their children. The sun protection not only has to stay for days at the beach during the summer, as also in everyday life we are exposed to them. If kids want to play outdoors, for example, be sure to do so early in the morning or after five in the afternoon with sunscreen. Read the rest of this entry »
How to cure acne
The acne is a skin condition that occurs from an overproduction of skin oils. Almost always be recognized because the skin becomes inflamed creating “hillocks” ugly and red usually appear during adolescence, although sometimes it still suffers from an adult. Read the rest of this entry »
Acne in adults
They say the teen acne is a condition, but the truth is that it also occurs in adults. In fact, say one in five adults, especially women, suffer from those annoying bumps, pimples and blackheads on the face, chest and back. Read the rest of this entry »
Is there an allergy to water?
Yes, believe it or not some people who are allergic to water. Water is an essential element in human life: the existence of oceans, seas and rivers makes it possible to live on earth. In fact, water is the most important component of the human body, constituting two thirds of it. Read the rest of this entry »
Caring for Acne
Despite how common this condition is not known with certainty how to care for acne , to be completely eliminated without the need to hurt or painful and rigorous process that could end up getting very nasty. Read the rest of this entry »