People with sensitive skin need extra care for their skin as sensitive skin is prone to get affected to external and internal factors more than other skin types. This is why many companies come up with products specially made for sensitive skin and they label these products as made for only sensitive skin. The sensitivity varies from one person to another. Well, all skin types are sensitive to some chemical based products, but the tolerance level of other skin types is on the higher side as compared to sensitive skin and the damaged caused due to chemical products to sensitive skin is more as compared to other skin types.
Archive for the ‘Sensitive Skin’ Category
Types of skin care, brief and easy!
Few tips on caring for the skin, you have to watch girls!
The skin sensitive is characterized as a type of skin that reacts adversely to environmental changes such as sunlight or temperatures too high or too low, and to some cosmetics or other drugs. Read the rest of this entry »
As sensitive skin care
Although many women believe they have sensitive skin or sensitive fortunately this is not the case. Sensitive skin requires special care and is easy to know if you have it. Read the rest of this entry »
Skin care specific to each type
What is it?
We know what type of skin we have to give specific care needs. Dry skin requires gentle soaps, cleaning with warm water and moisturizing and regenerative products, while fats should regulate excess oil they produce. The ventures require more attention, as they must combine the two previous cares to present a good appearance, especially in the so-called T-zone, which covers the forehead, nose and chin. Read the rest of this entry »
How Do I Clear Hypertrophic Scars
Hypertrophic scars are often confused with keloids, since both have to be thick, red and elevated. However, it is unusual to see a scar from this type improve on their own, although this process will take a year or more, or require the help of steroid injections.
If treatment does not act effectively moderate, hypertrophic scars usually manage to be improved surgically. The plastic surgeon removes the scar and closes the incision to heal with a pattern less Read the rest of this entry »
Caring for Sensitive Skin
Fragile-looking, uneven texture, and prone to dryness and submit changes (such as pimples, redness, broken capillaries and desquamation), sensitive skin is more prone to react to numerous stimuli.
Among the main causes of this skin type can include genetic predisposition, internal factors (such as poor diet or stress) and external factors (pollution, medications, beauty treatments, etc.) Read the rest of this entry »
Dealing with sensitive skin (II)
In our first post referred to sensitive skin , we begin by explaining how to recognize their impact, because many disorders that sometimes attach to issues of time, weather conditions or stress, without realizing that we could be facing a fundamental problem, we must learn to deal with as such.
There is a wide range of products and possibilities, so Read the rest of this entry »
Dealing with sensitive skin (I)
Most women have experienced at some point certain characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin redness, itching, swelling, or peeling. It may be a passing episode or a permanent condition, whatever the cause, not only can cause skin disorders but premature skin aging and can be more vulnerable to allergies. Read the rest of this entry »