Now that most of the world population is aware of the dangers involved in excessive exposure to the sun, we must pay attention to detail sometimes overlooked and that relate to the sun is detrimental to our skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Archive for the ‘Skin Disorders’ Category
The best tips for protection from the sun
Alcohol and Skin
Alcohol is a substance obtained by fermentation of grains, fruits or vegetables. This process uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugar from food into alcohol. You also get alcohol through distillation, usually from a fermentation product. Depending on the type of beverage, the alcohol is accompanied by various chemicals that give color, flavor, aroma and other characteristics. Read the rest of this entry »
We live with more than 200 different types of bacteria on our skin
A study published in the prestigious journal Science has revealed the approximate amount of the various bacteria that live together in our epidermis. The investigation revealed that 205 bacteria would be in our skin, an amount somewhat greater than expected by specialists.
The research was conducted with 10 people, taking Read the rest of this entry »
Skin hypersensitivity
If your skin itchy, it stretches, is red or irritated and uncomfortable with any change in temperature, food or no apparent reason, it is time to visit a dermatologist.
Skin sensitivity is one of the five leading causes of dermatological consultation.
A truly sensitive skin is characterized by an excessive reaction to factors that are well tolerated by most people. Read the rest of this entry »
How to control acne?
The difference between a pimple a month and a face full of them day after day has nothing to do with greasy food intake or with the soap you use.
What is acne?
Acne is an inflammatory condition and follicle pore and it is during adolescence that is triggered by hormonal stimulation. Although it usually disappears in adulthood, Read the rest of this entry »
Times sensitive skin allergy
Flowering trees, gardens with a special green, flowers of intense colors and aromas … Surely you’ve noticed the first signs that we are in spring. And is that with the first rays of sun, very lazy this year, the plant blooms.
A fascinating, no doubt, but a real torment for those with allergy problems. Read the rest of this entry »
The fringe and the acne on your forehead
If you’re one to think that his fringe helps disguise those ugly bumps they have on the front, you’re probably in serious error.
If you have bangs, it is very likely that this is the cause of those volcanoes that come on your forehead. To avoid missing or if your skin is oily, every night before sleep and in the morning, on Read the rest of this entry »
Errors makeup
At the time of make-up make some mistakes that cause has not been exploited well the make-up or that its use is not adequate. So here are some tips, so you see if you’re falling into any error of makeup and can be solved.
Do not allow your moisturizer to be absorbed before applying Read the rest of this entry »
Cosmetics DIY: clay mask against rosacea
The clay is a powerful aid to beauty, but not just those who suffer from oily skin , rashes and acne because it helps to dry the excess oil and deep cleanse the pores. It is also useful for those suffering from rosacea, adding a bit ‘of olive oil to make the dough less dry and more nutritious and emulsify everything with water. Read the rest of this entry »