Sunlight has different physiological functions in humans. It is composed of different types of energies that are transmitted as electromagnetic waves, and only 1% of the total electromagnetic spectrum is perceived by the eye. Read the rest of this entry »
How to Rinse skin with lemon
The care of the body are very important, within the complexity of points that we think when it comes to keeping our health in good condition, we must also take into account the skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Facial acne: what to do with it?
In adolescence, or for those times, all suffer from facial acne.
A skin infection caused by changes in the sebaceous glands, usually the worst in men.
It begins at puberty, but may continue for many years, whenever there are changes in hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands and produce fat. Read the rest of this entry »
5 Tips for getting a close shave
In times where men are increasingly more concerned about its aesthetics, dandruff, blackheads, oily skin, there is something basic: facial hair. When a man chooses not to wear a beard, it is good to be clean-shaven. A mean no, or baby face, or Santa Claus beard. Read the rest of this entry »
Diets do not delay the aging antioxidants
Yes, this title will probably be quite shocking when you consider the fact that for many years it has been stated otherwise. Whenever we have all believed that the harmful effects of free radicals (oxidative agents in our bodies) could be counteracted by eating a diet of antioxidant or the application of creams with the same properties. Read the rest of this entry »
Male Skin Care
Even today the skin care concern seems to be a stranger to many men. However, little by little, many of them are realizing its importance. As you note every time you can find more products designed for male skin care, many of them promoted by major players, such as the recent case of L’Oreal campaign starring Matthew Fox. Read the rest of this entry »
Remove stains on the face
The spots on the face are hyperpigmented areas usually result from exposure to the elements, such as sun and wind, although some diseases and the use of strong products can also cause them. When there is good to know how to remove stains on the face, it must be said that are not wholly aesthetic. Read the rest of this entry »
Tips for skin care of the face
The skin of the face is the one shown to the world, so it ignored problems or imperfections in other areas of the skin, get all the attention when they occur in the face. Read the rest of this entry »
How to combat dry skin?
Dry skin is a common situation to find, apart from affecting the appearance of the skin, causes discomfort and can lead to great irritation. It can get worse with daily activities, such as using soap and detergent, can lead to serious injuries to the skin, hands, arms, legs, face, etc.. Therefore, in here we tell how to combat dry skin, so you can hydrate your skin and stop suffer from dryness. Read the rest of this entry »