The open pores indicate an excess of fat. Find out here what you can do to improve their appearance.
Many times we have noticed with the naked eye in the face of some people the appearance of small black spots. This means that the pores are more open, a condition that often comes bundled with a shiny, oily skin.
The pores are small holes through which the body eliminates a toxin that does not require, such as fat or water is disposed of by sweating. Read the rest of this entry »
The open pores of the skin
A tan skin unroasted
Products for those who want the summer golden tan without risking your health.
Visible damage
Invisible Damage
Healthy tan
Alternative harmful
Among the most coveted accessories of the summer is the golden glow that remains after a day at the beach. But the damage to the skin that causes the sun can last the life whole. Choose the healthy alternative. There are a variety of products for those who want a tan look without risking your health. Read the rest of this entry »
The skin on your body also needs moisture
One way to maintain the elasticity of the body’s skin, erase wrinkles and improve appearance.
The legs and hands are the body parts that tend to have more dry.
The thick and very emollient creams are ideal dry skin or very cold or arid climate.
Before the proper wetting, it should remove excess dead cells with a hot shower and a loofah. Read the rest of this entry »
How to make skin young and healthy
Our skin is like our packaging, because it contains and surrounds our body. As such, if you are healthy and looks good, the better for our image! The three essential steps are: exfoliate, moisturize and tan. Read the rest of this entry »
Natural Solutions for your skin
A variety of natural secrets to look young and beautiful skin.
In Summary
The Aloe Vera: Use for burns, insect bites, skin disorders, infections and scalp disorders.
Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid content is very beneficial to fight warts.
Lemon: It is very effective to reduce or clear the skin blemishes.
Our skin requires constant care, both to eliminate moisturize rough spots, bites, allergies and other conditions that tend to alter its softness. Discover secrets here natural skin look young and beautiful.
There are a variety of secrets and treatments that we can use household ingredients to restore its smoothness in no time. These include: Read the rest of this entry »
Home remedies for perfect face
The effect is post summer about to be visible on our faces and need to return to the care of the skin to the sun does not cause problems in our face. There are home remedies that can restore the skin before.
They say that the face is the mirror of the soul and is the letter of introduction to the life and people, so must be cared for. After getting burned during the summer who tell us not fail in the workplace how bad we are and you know what? To avoid this we must begin to care for the skin on the inside. Read the rest of this entry »
Fruit masks for skin care
Today I present a series of recommendations on the use of fruit masks for protecting our skin.
As is known, each type of skin needs a certain fruit, but following a few tips you can see how easy it is to prepare, low cost and above all things, the little time that takes preparation. Read the rest of this entry »
The secret of acne free skin
Looking for more options and information on how to get rid of acne? If so, look no further! In this article you are the best advice and About MOST Effective way to get rid of acne. Shortly After the warnings starting to use Contained in this article, You Will Be Able to Achieve a healthy, acne free skin! Read the rest of this entry »
Exposed skin care review – solution for acne treatment for you?
There are literally Hundreds of acne products and skincare in the market, so choosing one is not easy. It’s easy to get confused over marketing and information science (sometimes the LACK of!). So stick Many brand or choose to have PROVED That tried and true. This is why we look at Decided to Exposed skin care, one on the counter acne treatment is gentle That on the skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Wonderful and ambitious
In this world where beauty is the new database if you do the job or not, it is necessary to have an advantage over others in order to achieve the desired position. Otherwise, you will end up in a low ranking, low-paying job that does not make you happy or satisfied with the chosen path. This takes you to live a life that is full of regrets and what ifs. But we will not go that way because they do not have to wait and see their competitors to succeed, while still not being recognized. Read the rest of this entry »