Since when do I use wrinkle cream?. It’s the million dollar question, surely more than once that you’ve thought of better safe than sorry and you’ve been tempted to steal @ wrinkle cream to heal your mother in health but did not have wrinkles. Read the rest of this entry »
Pores: Common evil in all skin types
The open pores is a common evil in all skin types to avoid Realize we recommend a thorough cleaning of skin every 2 months and keep the skin moisturized with creams always oily. Read the rest of this entry »
Wrinkle Mask
For those women who already have some wrinkles on his face or those who want to prevent their departure, or just like to wear masks to your skin to look radiant and super hydrated, then do not miss this recipe. Read the rest of this entry »
Pumice Stone and our skin
Pumice is used to remove calluses from heels and hands, soften the area with plenty of hot water dipping. When the area is tender, lime hardness with a pumice stone, wet or dry. If you wet the pumice before passing through the heels, will make more impact than if it is dry, otherwise it will dry stone dry skin making it more difficult to remove. Read the rest of this entry »
Tired face
Some days you wake up, you look in the mirror and think about the care that you did last night, you wonder, would not have done any good? Read the rest of this entry »
The lemon on your skin
As a sour fruit, lemon is a great astringent and is best to apply only in oily skin. Many of the benefits that the lemon for our beauty are: Read the rest of this entry »
Removes excess skin gloss
Now here are some tips to remove excess skin brightness. Having oily skin is generally quite uncomfortable, because having the sensation of fat in the skin is annoying. Read the rest of this entry »
Eliminate Cellulite
Surely, many of us suffer from cellulite, so today I present one of the latest treatments that promises rid of cellulite.
The radio is the application of a short wave frequency on a point located allowing the application of heat to about 20-30 mm depth of the skin, heating the inside of the fat layer without damaging the surface layer of the skin . That warming facilitates subcutaneous lymphatic drainage which helps reduce the amount of fluids and toxins that adhere to this layer of skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Keeps your face glowing?
To show off a radiant face, you should be careful with your skin, it is important to always be hydrated so it looks Quesada. That’s why you should make your skin clean every day. There are many skin-cleaning products; here are some you can use to see you beautiful. Read the rest of this entry »
Eliminates blackheads
Surely we have ever suffered from such unethical and uncomfortable black spots, on this occasion are some tips that we hope will help you remove them. Most hot spots are presented in the nose and the pores are clogged with makeup and blush. To remove them we suggest: Read the rest of this entry »