Over the years the skin changes, but that does not mean that many women continue to desire to show off a stunning neckline. At this stage of life elasticity of the skin is modified as toning, especially in the area of the neck and chest. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘advice’
Beautiful neck and chest with these of advice!
Eliminate acne, blackheads and pimples Rule: Treatments as menstrual periods
The female menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: menstrual (bleeding or menstrual period), pre-ovulation period (before ovulation) and post-ovulation period (after ovulation). These stages are closely linked to the most common changes in the skin of women. Read the rest of this entry »
How to Rinse skin with lemon
The care of the body are very important, within the complexity of points that we think when it comes to keeping our health in good condition, we must also take into account the skin. Read the rest of this entry »
New method to stop the passage of time?
The maintenance of body and beauty are increasingly rooted in our society. It seems that these issues loom large in the interest of many people, each day a little more concerned about looking good and staying healthy, sometimes to unhealthy levels (ironic, huh?).
The problem is that it has created an unhealthy obsession about body care , which leads many people to risk their physical integrity to achieve the kind of physical than social established canon as “beautiful” or ” Fashion. Read the rest of this entry »