Each year in early spring, it is common among relatives and acquaintances hear repeated complaints of annoying allergy sufferers that is interfering in their lives continuously, creating in many types of problems and above all a great discomfort that often do not know how convenient shortcut by ignoring the real causes exactly what the occasion. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘allergies’
Allergies. A false alarm reaction in the body
Skin Peel
The skin of a baby-as seems to be a wild dream with all the pollution, dirt and heat that we encounter every day. With the lack of personal time, all the attention to our skin is to buy expensive things and spend large amounts of money in the spa, but pay no mind some symptoms of major skin problems. With a little awareness and knowledge about skin problems can be avoided further damage skin without spending thousands on it.
Common skin conditions such as rashes, skin infections, burns and blisters Taras and Read the rest of this entry »
Alcohol and Skin
Alcohol is a substance obtained by fermentation of grains, fruits or vegetables. This process uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugar from food into alcohol. You also get alcohol through distillation, usually from a fermentation product. Depending on the type of beverage, the alcohol is accompanied by various chemicals that give color, flavor, aroma and other characteristics. Read the rest of this entry »
Dealing with sensitive skin (I)
Most women have experienced at some point certain characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin redness, itching, swelling, or peeling. It may be a passing episode or a permanent condition, whatever the cause, not only can cause skin disorders but premature skin aging and can be more vulnerable to allergies. Read the rest of this entry »
Banana good for the care of skin
The banana has been relatively frowned upon in many parts of the world due to consider a common fruit and high in calories, but the really interesting are all properties of banana in the field of health (improving hypertension, gout, rheumatic diseases, anemias, digestion, etc.)..
In relation to beauty tips, the trend is pointing toward the natural, and in this case the banana can be a useful alternative. In fact, the property of the banana skin is remarkable, and to catch up we will review them.
The shell and the same banana contain antioxidants that can regenerate the skin applied and to minimize and eliminate certain conditions, among the most important are mentioned:
Psoriasis Read the rest of this entry »
Eczema: Skin Irritation
It is a medical term that refers to various problems affecting mainly the skin scaly process and intense itching, which may manifest injuries, blisters, redness, discoloration, splotches, thickening, oozing and itching among others.
Often eczema diagnosed as dermatitis, but the cause of eczema and dermatitis is different, so it is important to know its origin to treatment. Read the rest of this entry »