Sure you’ve always wanted to be good looking and the first thing you notice is the state of your skin. To know that you have to apply products to moisturize your skin or makeup, you must first know your skin type. Once you know what type of skin you have, you know that you can apply treatments to keep it as nice as possible and thus the envy of the world. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘beauty care’
I know my skin type
As the winter affects our hands
Weather conditions cause degeneration, the texture of the skin. The best defense is to isolate it from the outside by clothes, but in the hands is not always possible. These are one of the more body parts that we must protect if we keep our hands nice and soft, to achieve this we need to use adequate protective creams and nutrition, not to mention nails. Read the rest of this entry »
The cigarette, a great enemy of beauty
All of us, especially readers Skinerrors, we have made clear that smoking harms health. If you know that smoking causes lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system, impotence, loss of fertility and a long list of damage does not reach you to leave the bad habit, here we have more negative effects of smoking to get it raise again. Read the rest of this entry »
Nutrition for Beautiful Skin: Part 1
What you eat shows in your skin. Some dermatologists for years debated the effect of food or diet on the skin.
But this is changing and now in USA the most famous cosmetic dermatologists have specialized in specific recommendations for a healthy and beautiful skin. Read the rest of this entry »
What to do if you get burned, and burned insulation
The beach is beautiful and seductive breeze. But the sun’s rays are harsh on your skin and is easy to burn or heat stroke. You can prevent and treat burn the skin after the burn. Read the rest of this entry »
Basic routine to care for your face
The facial skin is shown at every moment. To have beautiful skin must be cared for. The care of facial skin should not be complicated and not have to be expensive.
Traditionally the way to buy products for the face was in department stores or sellers, it still exists but there are more options. The disadvantage of the above establishments is that the sellers want to sell does not necessarily help you protect your skin for this reason, the consumer must be informed. Read the rest of this entry »
Vegetable butters for your beauty
The shea, cocoa butter, mango, kukui and many others come from natural products and are great for the skin. Are ingredients in many cosmetics and can be used alone.
These plant products soften the skin, help improve scars and stains and have other benefits. Know them more closely: Read the rest of this entry »
Steps for smooth skin
To have smooth skin throughout the body only needs a few minutes and products.
Remember that the skin protects the outside world and creating this world affects spots, roughness, and sagging. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty tips and recipes from friends
We all have secrets and beauty tips effective. The following tips have been submitted by our readers.
1 – To have the soft hands to mix oats, honey and egg. Spread this mixture hands and leave for 10 minutes.
2 – For the beauty of the face and neck mix honey and milk, place and leave for 15 minutes. Read the rest of this entry »
Cereals and your skin
In addition to eat them for breakfast cereals and bread also help your skin look healthy, fresh and youthful. For its qualities cereals are used in many cosmetics.
Cereals such as wheat, oats and rice, as you know provide fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and protein to your body. When applied externally prove to be beneficial for skin and hair. Cereals mentioned above have a moisturizing and soothing. Can be applying to any skin type. Read the rest of this entry »