When we think of acne, we tend to imagine a face with pimples and marks. However, it frequently occurs in other parts of the body regardless of the face and neck. The body areas that have more predisposition are the face, chest and back, shoulders, upper arms and sometimes on the buttocks and thighs. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘beauty treatments’
Acne and pimples on buttocks and thighs: Causes, consequences and treatments
Beauty treatments in your home
The experience of going to the salon to be pamper and make it pretty special but can be a bit expensive. There are ways to lower the cost of beauty. Read the rest of this entry »
Lactic acid for skin
Lactic acid is widely used in beauty treatments for the face. Lactic acid peels are used to help regenerate the skin, remove blemishes, wrinkles and rejuvenate. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Natural masks for the face
With simple ingredients you find in your kitchen you can nourish, cleanse and moisturize your skin with good results.
Facial masks are used to exfoliate, moisturize and relax the face. There are many ways to prepare at home with basic ingredients that we all have, so no excuses not to start today with these beauty treatments. Read the rest of this entry »
Caring for Sensitive Skin
Fragile-looking, uneven texture, and prone to dryness and submit changes (such as pimples, redness, broken capillaries and desquamation), sensitive skin is more prone to react to numerous stimuli.
Among the main causes of this skin type can include genetic predisposition, internal factors (such as poor diet or stress) and external factors (pollution, medications, beauty treatments, etc.) Read the rest of this entry »
What Components Should Not Miss In Your Antiaging And Anti-Aging Treatments?
Skin look young and radiant seeming younger than they really have is possible if we follow a healthy and balanced diet, sleep eight hours and of course, we apply anti-aging creams and we submit periodically to beauty treatments.
The home beauty routine should always include proper makeup remover, toning and moisturizing at night before bed and in the morning upon waking. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty Treatments Algae-based
It is clear that beauty treatments are extensive, there are endless using creams, food, machines … But what is currently fashionable beauty treatment is based on seaweed.
There are a variety of algae, which due to its properties and nutrients can help improve different areas of our body and improve your mood. We can Read the rest of this entry »
Peach Moisturizing Mask
In this winter season, the best for your skin is a natural moisturizing mask. Rely on this recipe that has peach pulp, honey and almond oil, all natural moisturizers that will leave your skin soft and beautiful.
1 teaspoon honey Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty Tips For Women Age 50
To meet “half a century, women in the aging process is accelerated and the skin becomes more demanding. The most obvious changes noticeable in the cheeks, which appear more sunken, and jaw (which is relaxed).
The complexion of a 50 year old woman becomes more sensitive, and is no longer possible to use Read the rest of this entry »
Skin Care: Treatment with seaweed
Seaweeds represent the largest deep-sea vegetation, since there are about 20,000 different varieties which are distributed in all oceans. Of this amount only 1% of all varieties is used for beauty treatments, especially exploiting the properties of the algae in the skin.
However, it is noteworthy that among the properties Read the rest of this entry »