We all know that acne, no matter what our age, it is usually be quite frustrating, conditions in many aspects of our daily lives and creating us some complex sometimes we retreat into our relationships with others, especially if these attacks on our We leave skin marks and scars. Therefore, since we begin to perceive the acne should start as soon as possible with proper treatment and not wait to prove irreparable side effects that may cause us later. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘benzoyl peroxide’
Some tips to stop acne and prevent scarring
Benzoyl peroxide, no gain, pure pain: consider the use of benzoyl peroxide in acne treatment
The use of benzoyl peroxide to treat acne, in my opinion is a criminal offense. Incredibly, we find that benzoyl peroxide is included in the World Health Organization essential drugs list!
Beauty From 20 To 30 Years I Part
A woman prepared!, The saying goes, and this applies especially in the care the skin from an early age to prevent future wrinkles and blemishes.
Most of the spots, fine lines, wrinkles and other imperfections that appear in the face after 30 years, can be prevented from adopting the 20 routine skin care including daily and without fail, cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Acne Treatments (I)
There are different market options and products for the treatment of acne.
In general terms most of the treatments are successful but for short periods of time than three months after that, the improvement begins to fade.
For this reason, many dermatologists recommend a combination of treatments can greatly reduce the quantity and quality of acne in most cases. Read the rest of this entry »