Each year in early spring, it is common among relatives and acquaintances hear repeated complaints of annoying allergy sufferers that is interfering in their lives continuously, creating in many types of problems and above all a great discomfort that often do not know how convenient shortcut by ignoring the real causes exactly what the occasion. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘body’
Allergies. A false alarm reaction in the body
The skin on your body also needs moisture
One way to maintain the elasticity of the body’s skin, erase wrinkles and improve appearance.
The legs and hands are the body parts that tend to have more dry.
The thick and very emollient creams are ideal dry skin or very cold or arid climate.
Before the proper wetting, it should remove excess dead cells with a hot shower and a loofah. Read the rest of this entry »
New method to stop the passage of time?
The maintenance of body and beauty are increasingly rooted in our society. It seems that these issues loom large in the interest of many people, each day a little more concerned about looking good and staying healthy, sometimes to unhealthy levels (ironic, huh?).
The problem is that it has created an unhealthy obsession about body care , which leads many people to risk their physical integrity to achieve the kind of physical than social established canon as “beautiful” or ” Fashion. Read the rest of this entry »
Smiling Makes You More Beautiful
Smile you can bring great physical benefits, but also have to know that laughter is the perfect partner to release stress and tension, power and extends the emotional growth of productivity.
Laughing is clearly related to beauty and youth. There is evidence that laughter affects the appearance and beautifies the body, muscles and Read the rest of this entry »
Cosmetics Vitamin C
The benefits we provide natural products act on behalf of our health and beauty. Proper intake and utilization of vitamins found in them, help us stay healthy inside and out. Cosmetic firms aware of it, has been around for a long time, being the star of vitamin C .
All the orange identify with this wonderful vitamin, Read the rest of this entry »
What does a good solar sunscreen?
When you buy a sunscreen, surely the first thing you notice is that the protection factor to choose the one that suits your skin type, ie, your skin type.
A good sunscreen should be resistant to sweat and water and should not cause irritation, these are some of the features that may have photoprotective:
At the pharmacy we can find sunscreen in different formulations: cream (more appropriate for the face and neck), milk (for use in the body), spray (suitable for athletes) and oil free Read the rest of this entry »