Egg whites are very nutritious and healthy. They are also used in skin care creams and masks. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘cleaning’
Egg whites for beauty
The open pores of the skin
The open pores indicate an excess of fat. Find out here what you can do to improve their appearance.
Many times we have noticed with the naked eye in the face of some people the appearance of small black spots. This means that the pores are more open, a condition that often comes bundled with a shiny, oily skin.
The pores are small holes through which the body eliminates a toxin that does not require, such as fat or water is disposed of by sweating. Read the rest of this entry »
Care for Oily Skin
If your face is too fat, twinkle, you open pores, blackheads, pimples and acne is certainly poses an oily skin that is why you should follow some simple tips to keep your skin in good condition.
Firstly, it is essential that you seek a product for cleaning and one for tone.
Then it is necessary that you apply a moisturizer. Ojo! You have an oily skin does not mean your skin is properly hydrated is why you should apply a special moisturizer for oily skin. Read the rest of this entry »