Cellulite suffers more or less gravity about 90% of women who are past puberty, and can be located mainly in the buttocks and thighs. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘cream’
How to prepare at home cellulite cream
Beauty tips: a cream to enhance your buttocks
Beauty tips are something that everyone wants access to stay beautiful and attractive. The problem is that in many cases the treatments and creams to be able to improve our bodies and our skin out a bit expensive, and not everyone can access them. Read the rest of this entry »
Homemade exfoliating scrub for oily skin
Exfoliates help us remove dead skin cells, and thus reveal a skin fresher and smoother. To apply a scrub, you should consider what type of skin you have, that the results are perfect. Today we bring you a recipe for oily skin exfoliates.
- Medium-ripe banana Read the rest of this entry »
Homemade Wrinkle Cream
When we take a lot of sun and we hydrated, notice the rough, dry skin. In the face of something similar happening to us but also, and over the years, we noticed the first wrinkles that both frighten women.
However, today there are many wrinkle creams and many other ways to achieve that wrinkles fall behind, though I opted for a natural look, I like to pretend something I’m not. Read the rest of this entry »
What Components Should Not Miss In Your Antiaging And Anti-Aging Treatments?
Skin look young and radiant seeming younger than they really have is possible if we follow a healthy and balanced diet, sleep eight hours and of course, we apply anti-aging creams and we submit periodically to beauty treatments.
The home beauty routine should always include proper makeup remover, toning and moisturizing at night before bed and in the morning upon waking. Read the rest of this entry »
Do I Use Just Serum Or Combine It With Cream?
It is one of the most recurrent questions of beauty in women who have decided to opt for the use of serum to care for your skin: I apply the serum only or combine it with my usual treatment cream?
The truth is that the experts agreed to recommend its use together with the usual cream, but the truth is that many women feel comfortable with only serum. Read the rest of this entry »
Clinique Anti-Aging Products
For a beauty routine is complete if we include in it the use of an effective anti-aging cream. In his formula, this should include components that are specific to address the signs of aging that has our skin, dark circles, wrinkles, sagging, loss of facial oval shape, etc.
Clinique brings solutions to all these “problems” Read the rest of this entry »
Multi-Active, A Line Of Anti-Aging Cream For Young Skin
For better safe than sorry, Clarins has launched an anti-aging treatment line aimed at women who are found in the range of 30 to 40 years and must start taking care of “serious” but want to pass the years off and sporting a flabby skin. At that age the skin begins to show the first wrinkles and expression lines, but has not lost firmness.
Multi-Active is the name of this line of Clarins, whose main objective is to end Read the rest of this entry »
How To Apply Creams Correctly
Cosmetic creams are not a science … but if you are a part of our beauty routine to which we must pay special attention, because not only matter what type of skin you have, that the results we want and that cream is applied to these two factors but also as applied.
And although this last may be too detailed, it is Read the rest of this entry »
What does a good solar sunscreen?
When you buy a sunscreen, surely the first thing you notice is that the protection factor to choose the one that suits your skin type, ie, your skin type.
A good sunscreen should be resistant to sweat and water and should not cause irritation, these are some of the features that may have photoprotective:
At the pharmacy we can find sunscreen in different formulations: cream (more appropriate for the face and neck), milk (for use in the body), spray (suitable for athletes) and oil free Read the rest of this entry »