Lactic acid is widely used in beauty treatments for the face. Lactic acid peels are used to help regenerate the skin, remove blemishes, wrinkles and rejuvenate. Continue down. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘dead cells’
Lactic acid for skin
The open pores of the skin
The open pores indicate an excess of fat. Find out here what you can do to improve their appearance.
Many times we have noticed with the naked eye in the face of some people the appearance of small black spots. This means that the pores are more open, a condition that often comes bundled with a shiny, oily skin.
The pores are small holes through which the body eliminates a toxin that does not require, such as fat or water is disposed of by sweating. Read the rest of this entry »
The skin on your body also needs moisture
One way to maintain the elasticity of the body’s skin, erase wrinkles and improve appearance.
The legs and hands are the body parts that tend to have more dry.
The thick and very emollient creams are ideal dry skin or very cold or arid climate.
Before the proper wetting, it should remove excess dead cells with a hot shower and a loofah. Read the rest of this entry »
Basic tips to protect your skin
All women can be beautiful, just that some are much more than others strive to achieve it!
Here are some basic tips to keep in mind to care for and pamper our skin.
It is very important to cleanse your skin daily. No matter if you have makeup or not, is a step that you can skip it, and should be daily. Read the rest of this entry »
Hydrated skin for slow the aging process
Hydration is essential to slow the aging process and the key to skin look younger and healthier.
The skin contains 70 percent water and 13 percent of stratum corneum, which is the surface. When below these percentages, it weakens and deteriorates. Exposure to sun, air pollution, use of snuff and lack of vitamins and minerals, make it dry and cause premature wrinkles, sagging and opacity. Therefore it is important to keep Read the rest of this entry »
Make your skin oil free with natural way
Your skin is fat? Does your face always gives oily? Calma!, With this easy oatmeal and honey mask you can forget the problem, take note:
You need:
1 / 4 cup oatmeal
1 teaspoon honey
2 tablespoons natural yogurt
Prepares and uses:
Mix ingredients well and apply the mask on your skin clean and Read the rest of this entry »
Holiday tan
Good hydration, the use of sunless tanning and consumption of certain foods are some of the keys to you to keep a tan acquired in summer.
Back from vacation for many, and the usual rigor phrase: ‘What you’re brown, what color you good! “. It is then perhaps think about how difficult it is to Read the rest of this entry »
Types of Masks
Whether air pollution, climate, neglect or the passage of time, our skin is affected and suffers. To help you recover from such aggression can reasort to the masks, and that within its principal functions are: clean, restore and nourish our skin. Read the rest of this entry »
The best masks
Wash the face is one thing, cleaning is very different. The first act is nothing but an act of hygiene, but to remove toxic waste pollution, is deposited (especially in the face) is not only with water.
Its side effects are not expected and result Read the rest of this entry »