Weather conditions cause degeneration, the texture of the skin. The best defense is to isolate it from the outside by clothes, but in the hands is not always possible. These are one of the more body parts that we must protect if we keep our hands nice and soft, to achieve this we need to use adequate protective creams and nutrition, not to mention nails. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘dryness’
As the winter affects our hands
Natural Mask for Neck
It is one of the most neglected in the daily care and yet one of the most telltale of age. So, do not miss this natural mask for the neck. And goodbye to wrinkles and dryness! Read the rest of this entry »
Internal and external aging
You know most of what we call skin aging is nothing more than sun damage.
According to dermatologists, there are two causes or types of aging: intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external causes). The internal aging is mostly a result of our genetic heritage and we have no control over it. But the major cause of aging is external and we have some control over this. Read the rest of this entry »
Take care of your skin from the sun
It is true that tanned skin is fashionable and can be attractive, but are you willing to pay a high price for it? Your health is at risk, so you must protect your skin from the sun.
The sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVB and UBA) produce damage that can cause skin cancer and aging, causing wrinkles, age spots and dryness. In addition, decreased resistance and affect the eyes. Read the rest of this entry »
Does the work affect your skin?
The atmosphere in the workplace can also affect your skin , especially if it is a source of dryness, lack of sunlight and stress. The suggestions below will give you not only help maintain healthy skin, but your overall health and wellbeing at work. Read the rest of this entry »
Improves the look of your oily skin
Oily skin probably served in the past for various purposes such as to counteract the effect of strong winds or intense sun, but today is a real hassle. To enhance the appearance of oily skin should be checked and tolerate other factors that can not change. Read the rest of this entry »
Wrinkle Serums
Many probably have thought about the possibility of using Botox to eliminate these wrinkles, before you make your decision we invite you to learn about other options such as anti-wrinkle serums, including the latest beauty trends sera are seen as the best option for addressing the age. Read the rest of this entry »
What Components Should Not Miss In Your Antiaging And Anti-Aging Treatments?
Skin look young and radiant seeming younger than they really have is possible if we follow a healthy and balanced diet, sleep eight hours and of course, we apply anti-aging creams and we submit periodically to beauty treatments.
The home beauty routine should always include proper makeup remover, toning and moisturizing at night before bed and in the morning upon waking. Read the rest of this entry »
Winter Care For Your Skin
While the entire southern hemisphere, the heat begins to grow, in the rest of the world the weather gets colder and colder, making the first symptoms of skin conditions such as dryness, burns cold and cracked. These signals are made especially uncomfortable when placed on the lips and cheeks, which are the most sensitive to cold weather.
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How to prevent Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause skin causing redness of the face (cheekbones, cheeks and nose), heat, telangiectasia (spider veins) and papules (bumps). The eyes may commit irritation, dryness, edema (swelling), styes or damage to the cornea. Read the rest of this entry »