The skin of the face is the one shown to the world, so it ignored problems or imperfections in other areas of the skin, get all the attention when they occur in the face. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘exercise’
Tips for skin care of the face
Does the work affect your skin?
The atmosphere in the workplace can also affect your skin , especially if it is a source of dryness, lack of sunlight and stress. The suggestions below will give you not only help maintain healthy skin, but your overall health and wellbeing at work. Read the rest of this entry »
I did not know about aging
Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.
Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging. Read the rest of this entry »