Now here are some tips to remove excess skin brightness. Having oily skin is generally quite uncomfortable, because having the sensation of fat in the skin is annoying. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘health’
Removes excess skin gloss
Eliminate Cellulite
Surely, many of us suffer from cellulite, so today I present one of the latest treatments that promises rid of cellulite.
The radio is the application of a short wave frequency on a point located allowing the application of heat to about 20-30 mm depth of the skin, heating the inside of the fat layer without damaging the surface layer of the skin . That warming facilitates subcutaneous lymphatic drainage which helps reduce the amount of fluids and toxins that adhere to this layer of skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Keeps your face glowing?
To show off a radiant face, you should be careful with your skin, it is important to always be hydrated so it looks Quesada. That’s why you should make your skin clean every day. There are many skin-cleaning products; here are some you can use to see you beautiful. Read the rest of this entry »
Eliminates blackheads
Surely we have ever suffered from such unethical and uncomfortable black spots, on this occasion are some tips that we hope will help you remove them. Most hot spots are presented in the nose and the pores are clogged with makeup and blush. To remove them we suggest: Read the rest of this entry »
New method to stop the passage of time?
The maintenance of body and beauty are increasingly rooted in our society. It seems that these issues loom large in the interest of many people, each day a little more concerned about looking good and staying healthy, sometimes to unhealthy levels (ironic, huh?).
The problem is that it has created an unhealthy obsession about body care , which leads many people to risk their physical integrity to achieve the kind of physical than social established canon as “beautiful” or ” Fashion. Read the rest of this entry »
Natural Cream For Neck And Face
Homemade beauty creams are an extraordinary option to renew your skin, without the need to buy expensive creams.
These are creams homemade energizing treat the face and neck dry. One of the great recipes homemade cream for dry skin of the face, lies in putting an apple in a blender, crushed, 2 tablespoons of honey, one teaspoon of milk and one egg yolk, beating and using the mixture on the face and neck using a brush, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Read the rest of this entry »
Mask To Remove Skin Blemishes
The homemade mask oatmeal lemon and manage to be an extraordinary way to combat the problems of skin blemishes, especially where these arise in the face. You must know how unpleasant they are. But these two elements together make the difference. Also, the presence of tomato also adds moisture.
A tomato
One tablespoon lemon juice
A cup of oatmeal Read the rest of this entry »
Why do I have stretch marks?
I do not know if you’ve noticed, but on the skin that is in your abdomen, hips or buttocks look at some streaks of a different key can be a little darker than your skin or somewhat clearer, and when you pass the yolks your fingers feel some small irregularities. My dear friend, these are the unwanted streaks.
You may be wondering why, since you have heard Read the rest of this entry »
Diet To Keep Skin Smooth
After a festival full of excesses, we should take a diet rich in vitamins, fiber and water in order to renew the softness and smoothness of the skin. When it is in excellent condition, is able to withstand the elements better way of sunlight and the environment, especially against premature aging.
Often we are unaware of the enormous importance of our skin, and only when it is very shabby start to give the necessary care, always being so easy to keep fresh and soft. To help her look forever young, we need a diet rich in vitamins and fiber and a good hydration and sun protection. Read the rest of this entry »