It sounds strange to think that a metal can help care for the skin, right? Moreover, thinking in metals comes to my mind the wires and we have at home everywhere, do not you? But it is true that now seems that everything that exists in nature is done to help us to see ourselves better. This being the case, it is about to use it, because everything is at our fingertips. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘home’
Looking for preventing wrinkles? Join the copper!
Did the winter? Beauty Tips for a luminous body
Our skin adapts to the changes, as long as the care lavished appropriate and necessary. In winter, the cold wind is responsible for subtracting moisture and even our hair and nails “suffer” with this decrease in temperature in the room. Read the rest of this entry »
The best tips for protection from the sun
Now that most of the world population is aware of the dangers involved in excessive exposure to the sun, we must pay attention to detail sometimes overlooked and that relate to the sun is detrimental to our skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Say goodbye to cellulite with natural alternatives
The dreaded cellulite deteriorates the appearance of our skin. This disorder affects the connective tissue of the skin, causing inflammation, poor circulation and fat accumulation. The result is an unsightly appearance of “orange peel” that usually appear on thighs, buttocks or arms. Read the rest of this entry »
Beauty tips to look great
Taking care of our skin is the first step to look beautiful, as well as makeup which is used (to a lesser or greater extent) by most of us. But we all have a little trick we use to enhance our attributes.
Those ever-present beauty tips are endless, which is why once again in Web of Beauty share with you useful and ingenious “tricks” to improve your image: Read the rest of this entry »
How to pluck our eyebrows as face shape
To get eyebrows that enhance your face and highlight the best features of your face, it is essential that these be consistent with the shape of your face.
Everyone has a different face and its characteristics must be taken into account so that, together, look good. In the chart below, find a guide to help you refine the shape of your eyebrows.
It looks younger with these anti-aging food!
Over the years we care for our growing power to prevent weight gain, but what we eat not only shape and influence our internal health. Not eating well can also leave your skin dull and aged.
Pregnant beauty creams for skin care
Those who are already mothers certainly know Suavinex products for children in their early years. Comfort, original design and a subtle sense of luxury, it leaves the impression that the products of this company, created for children in the house.
Anti-wrinkle products for young women
How we see from here a few years will depend entirely on us. My mom always tells me to start taking care of my skin wrinkles and I think it is so wrong. Even a teacher at school told me not to renege or frown, wrinkled because I’d like her, and yes it scared me a little.
Makeup tips for women with big eyes
If you have the big eyes and are not sure about how to enhance your eye makeup and without them look even bigger and maybe a little out of proportion to your face, here are a few tips to see you really fabulous.