The properties of the apple is not surprising that so many find her friend at the table is that among the secrets of beauty. A form of the apple is good for all skin types and helps to keep fresh, smooth and bright, more important than ever during the first sunbathing making our poor suffer violence face exposed to the rays, although sunscreens . Here’s how to use it. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘moisturizer’
Cosmetics DIY: Applesauce to form a smooth skin and bright
Enemies of your skin
Our precious skin has many enemies. These attackers constantly attack causing wrinkles, lines, spots and others. Meet some of their more powerful enemies and protect your skin. Read the rest of this entry »
How to cure acne
The acne is a skin condition that occurs from an overproduction of skin oils. Almost always be recognized because the skin becomes inflamed creating “hillocks” ugly and red usually appear during adolescence, although sometimes it still suffers from an adult. Read the rest of this entry »
I did not know about aging
Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.
Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging. Read the rest of this entry »
Properties, rules of use … all the keys to take advantage of the serum
Perhaps out of ignorance, or because you’ve got your usual moisturizer, you have not yet encouraged trying this product, a true gem for your skin. However, it is a product that is increasingly demand. What the reasons? From Vichy laboratories we summarize the key on the serum, to discover all its secrets. Read the rest of this entry »
Rejuvenate your Skin and Breasts
As a result of birth, weight loss, decreased muscle mass, health problems, breastfeeding or simply aging, the breasts, because every woman can be the problem.
The sagging breasts are caused by the stretching of the tissues that can be caused by related skin malnourished, a reduction in mammary glands of the breast or inadequate support. Even if large breasts are very attractive, is the most vulnerable to this Read the rest of this entry »
The Best Anti-Aging Creams Estee Lauder
In the world of creams and cosmetics must be realistic, there are creams that although hydrate our skin and make it look brighter, do not help wrinkles disappear or to correct sagging.
We must also accept that there are no miracle creams that give the same results as cosmetic surgery, but a good combination of beauty treatments, cosmetics Read the rest of this entry »
Super Beauty Tips
Here are some of the most common among us women and some advice to solve it.
Do you have blackheads and pimples? You should get a facial or face once a week. First it is recommended that an easy steam bath. Then apply a good scrub for skin polishing. Then you should apply a toner and then a good moisturizer. Follow these steps for a month, once a week. In the market there are several very good products that help fight them, now they have become very popular Read the rest of this entry »
Basic tips to protect your skin
All women can be beautiful, just that some are much more than others strive to achieve it!
Here are some basic tips to keep in mind to care for and pamper our skin.
It is very important to cleanse your skin daily. No matter if you have makeup or not, is a step that you can skip it, and should be daily. Read the rest of this entry »
Skin in Different Age
After a long day, you deserve the break. And you know that when you sleep well, your face is the main reflection the next morning. And is that while you rest, your skin does too.
16 – 20 years
In the evening, wash with water (initially warm, then cold) with a mild soap and water. Wipe dry. Then apply a nourishing cream Read the rest of this entry »