In general dermatologists have broken the skin of our face into three types: dry, oily and mixed, the latter is one that combines dry skin and fat in some areas in others, the area of greatest oiliness is often known as the area T. The oily complexion is often difficult to care, becoming a problem for many women, especially in the hottest days of the year, if you’re one of them then here are some good tips for you to know how to care for oily skin. Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘Oily Skin Care’
Caring for oily skin
Skin care specific to each type
What is it?
We know what type of skin we have to give specific care needs. Dry skin requires gentle soaps, cleaning with warm water and moisturizing and regenerative products, while fats should regulate excess oil they produce. The ventures require more attention, as they must combine the two previous cares to present a good appearance, especially in the so-called T-zone, which covers the forehead, nose and chin. Read the rest of this entry »