Posts Tagged ‘peeling’

How to remove peeling skin on your face

26 Mar

remove peeling skinIf you’re one of those women who did not lose one second and always will win for sure be beautiful invest an interesting time in the makeup of your face. Pamper your face is part of your day and surely prepare your skin for the occasion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Natural Skin Care


What is peeling?

04 Dec

What is peelingBasically, the peeling is a system by which our skin is rejuvenated. That’s a short, concise definition, which seems to have little content or details regarding this technique, which will then differentiation of the different classes that are peeling. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Care


Keeps your face glowing?

18 Sep

face To show off a radiant face, you should be careful with your skin, it is important to always be hydrated so it looks Quesada. That’s why you should make your skin clean every day. There are many skin-cleaning products; here are some you can use to see you beautiful. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Care


Radiant Skin

06 Nov

A radiant outer beauty reflects both the health and welfare as the best interior how to maintain radiant skin moisturizing exfoliating often have hydration should be daily and is done using moisturizers in the morning and At night, the exfoliation is very important because it removes all cells avoiding dead our skin that looks yellow and dull. The exfoliation is performed with commercially available specialized Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Facts


Dealing with sensitive skin (I)

04 Nov

sensitive skinMost women have experienced at some point certain characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin redness, itching, swelling, or peeling. It may be a passing episode or a permanent condition, whatever the cause, not only can cause skin disorders but premature skin aging and can be more vulnerable to allergies. Read the rest of this entry »


How to keep your skin clean?

25 Oct

clean skin I advised to wash your face twice a day. At night to remove grease, makeup, dust, pollution and all the impurities deposited on your skin throughout the day. And in the morning to remove grease, sweat and toxins through the pores eliminated last night. To get your skin clean, fresh and bright, you are advised to do the following ritual at home:

Make up with a cream, for being soluble, removes makeup and more fat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Skin Care Tips


Skin care for your baby

30 Aug

babies careThe skin of your baby needs special care to stay healthy and fine. Redness, peeling, dryness are signs that something is wrong. To avoid these problems, see the advice we offer to care for your children’s skin.

Why skin requires special care of my baby? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Child, Skin Care